So much for my grand plans to keep blogging while back in the States. I underestimated how busy things would get. And I completely immersed myself in time with family and friends. It was wonderful! I'm not sure how to sum it all up so here are a few highlights:

My mom, party planner extraordinaire,
threw a tea party in honor of Aaron's birthday.

We also belatedly celebrated my sister's birthday.
I got to play some football and soccer with my nephews,
one of whom is about to be taller then me! I watched him
run in his middle school cross-country meet- he's fast!

Aaron's parents threw a wonderful
backyard BBQ on our first night back in IL.
It was so much fun to have the whole family together.

One of the main events of the trip was my friend's wedding.
We've been pals since 6th grade and it was an honor to stand
as her bridesmaid and see her so happy.
I couldn't believe our luck: my friend who lives in Norway
was also back visiting at the same time so I got to see her family
for the second time this year, including this beautiful new addition!
I also spent an afternoon shopping with a dear friend from Michigan, spent time with my grandparents and my great-aunt, saw my dad come through his second knee replacement with flying colors, helped my sis with a garage sale and had some great fun hanging out with my mom.
All the while, Aaron was hard at work in Ohio. He was with one of his colleagues and I think they managed to make the best of it. At least they got to go to an American Oktoberfest , which was quite a laugh for our German friend! Now we are home again, recovering from jet lag and trying to get back into our routine.
tea party for Aaron? I know how much he loves his crumpets!
You have to know my mom to really appreciate the event! It was a first for Aaron.
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