Yesterday I strolled to the post office to send a sympathy card to a family friend. Upon arrival, there were two women free to help me and they immediately started talking quickly to one another and measuring the card. They set the card on template, then got out a ruler and finally got out a plastic slot template. All of the methods were in agreement- my card was 5 millimeters too wide and was going to cost the equivalent of $8.00 to send! Oh brother! They suggested I take it home and trim it just a bit so I could save some money. I could understand everything they said but I just couldn't say much in return. So, home I came with my unsent card and a pamphlet giving all the acceptable measurements for letters to the United States. I trimmed one edge of the card, then realized that if I trimmed the other edge I would cut off the words I had written. And I chose the card quite specifically and don't have an extra so I couldn't very well rewrite it. Of course, it has to be a sympathy card- a serious occasion when you'd rather not have to send a mangled greeting with a long note inserted to explain the sorry mess of things.
So on my Christmas list for next year are a collection of greeting cards measuring less than 23.5 cm x 12.5 cm!
1 comment:
It looks like you will just have to break down and spend the $8!! Oh my...did you purchase the card in Germany??? If I decide to send a supply of greeting cards...I will be sure to measure first. New experiences each and every day. (in the most unlikely places)...
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